I think it is going to be a good week. I woke up this morning to the news that Karl Rove, chief henchman... er... "architect"... of the Bush years, will be leaving the Whitehouse at the end of August. No word on what is behind this move, yet: Is he leaving so he can try to run the next Republican election cycle? Will he still advise the President from afar, like Karen Hughes? Is he dodging mounting Congressional subpoenas and accountability for his role in various administration scandals? Is his name in the D.C. Madame's little black book? Does he have to return to the Death Star for reassignment? Or, is he just a good old fashioned family man who wants to spend more time with the wife and kids, as he claims in the Wall Street Journal?
Sure. Sure. This is "too little, too late," the damage has been done, but we'll take it, right? Can't say I'm sorry to see him go, that is for sure... Rove has been the mastermind behind the sleezy politics of destruction and division, the corrupt corporate feeding frenzy and the general disdain for American democracy that we have all experienced over the last six-plus years. Time to turn that page, for sure...
Might Rove take Dick Cheney with him wherever he goes? Pretty please...?
(click above cartoon to enlarge)
"Turd Blossom" salute at its finest.