Sunday, February 28, 2010

Film Trailer: "Soundtrack for A Revolution"

New documentary on music and the southern civil rights Movement:

1 comment:

  1. You people have no idea how corrupt the Chicago police are they are framing thousands of blacks and Hispanics, They can do anything they want with that corrupt badge , They are incompetent, corrupt, not intelligent, clowns, they destroyed my name, got me harassed at work because they made up I was homosexual and fired because of it and trying to frame me with their illegal case, they broke many of my civil rights, They have been interfering with my lawyers for close to 2 years for they wont get sued and I have millions of dollars of damages. They can screw with the witnesses, evidence and lawyers, their is no place to complain to Inspector General, Attorney General, States Attorney, Governor,DOJ are their puppets they never do anything.
