Friday, September 12, 2008

Question of the Day...

Which is more painful to watch:

A. Sarah Palin pretend she has a clue about foreign policy, even though she cannot even say what the Bush Doctrine is:

And as a bonus, click here to read her link 9/11 to Iraq recently while talking to troops. The link also completely debunks the idea. Completely. I mean, heck, even Bush & company don't go there anymore and have had to concede the point...

B. John McCain respond to a question about Palin's qualifications in foreign policy by ignoring the questions and repeatedly saying "energy":

Answer: both are BRUTAL. Seriously, if the fate of the nation and, to a large degree, the planet, did not lay in the balance, this might be funny, in a pathetic sort of way. But, it does, so this isn't. Spread the word...

Oh, and in case you aren't quite scared enough, how about this little ditty:

Gotta love Pat Buchanan, of all people, saying, "He [McCain] will make Cheney look like Gandhi"...

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