Friday, February 01, 2008

Nebraska Caucus

If you are in Nebraska and are a Democrat, we have our caucus a week from tomorrow, February 9. If you are not registered, or are registered elsewhere (like Omaha), you can register the day of the caucus at the site. Registration begins at 5:15pm, caucusing gets underway at 6pm and everything should be done by 7:30pm. If you do not know where you should go to caucus, go to the following website and punch in your address. It will tell you where to go as well as all the other basic info you need for next Saturday: Nebraska Democratic Caucus Info

Finally, believe it or not, Nebraska's Democratic caucus might matter. If things remain tight after Super Tuesday, then the caususes and primaries right afterward will be hot contests. So, c'mon out and exercise your democratic rights!

And, spread the word...

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